Freedom From Within

Flying With Babies

Alison Jolicoeur Parenting

I was lucky to be able to take a vacation this past week, which involved flying with my baby girl, who is now 14 months old. Before leaving I posted the topic to my local moms group and got a lot of good advice. I’d like to pass along what I found worked the best for us, so I’ve compiled the information into the top 6 tips for flying with babies:

1. Pack lots of healthy snacks. Although you are not allowed to bring liquids through security at the airport, such as a bottle of water, (I paid $5 for a bottle of water after going through security!) you can pack plenty of food. I brought 2 oranges, 2 bananas, an avocado, small containers of buckwheat noodles, steamed broccoli and raisins. This was, above all else, the best thing to occupy my baby on the plane. She especially liked the finger foods packed in small containers because the container itself is quite entertaining. She also loved the fruit, and I packed along a plastic “spork” that I used to create a small hole in the avocado, from which I spooned it out to feed her. I gave her the avocado during the lay-over between flights since it had the potential to be more messy than the other food I had brought.

2. Check it at the gate. I lucked out on the way to my destination. Both flights had extra seats, so I was able to have a seat for my baby even though I had booked her as a lap child.. My daughter still fits in the Chicco 30 infant car seat and it was perfect for traveling, along with the snap and go stroller. When they opened the desk at the terminal, I checked right away to see if there were any available seats. The attendants were very accomodating and arranged it so that we could have 2 seats together. I was able to bring the car seat on the plane with me and they checked the stroller at the gate. They also had the stroller waiting outside the door of the plane when we landed. Having the extra room helped a lot and after my baby fell asleep I was able to put her in the car seat. I’m all for snuggling, but it did become a bit uncomfortable when she napped on me for nearly 2 hours on the way home. Don’t get me wrong, I was happy she slept, just a little sore from not being able to move!

3. Pack several Ziplock bags. I was so glad this was suggested to me because it came in really handy. I used the baggies for orange and banana peels, partially eaten avocado, and the used fork. I also could’ve used it for poopy diapers but luckily I didn’t have to deal with that while flying! I also packed a few Seventh Generation wipes in a Ziplock bag to wipe our hands.

4. Give baby something to suck on. Baby’s ears can become uncomfortable because of the pressure changes while the plane is ascending and descending so it helps to have baby nurse at this time or suck on a pacifier. I actually borrowed a nursing cover for the flight. I hadn’t used one all this time, but you never know who you might be sitting next to, and may feel more comforable being covered, especially if you are traveling with a newborn who still likes to nurse most of the time! I did see a mom nursing her baby at the airport with her entire breast exposed. She was from Italy. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could be that relaxed in this part of the world? Either way, give your baby what she needs without hesitation.

5. Wear Layers. You never know if it’s going to be hot or cold on the plane so it’s best to dress in layers. It’s also helpful if baby spits up to just be able to take off a dirty shirt and have another one on underneath. It may also be wise to pack an extra outfit for yourself and your baby in a carry-on just in case.

6. Bring Novel Toys. Borrow a toy from a friend that your baby has never seen before and wait till you’re on the plane to show her. Anyone with kids knows that the novelty of a new toy wears off fast. I borrowed several finger puppets from my sister, although it seemed taking them out of the little bag I packed them in was more interesting than actually using them as finger puppets. I will also add here that I was flying alone with my baby, so without an extra set of hands, I wanted to be sure I had every possible trick in my arsenal. I purchased a small portable DVD player for $60 and brought a couple videos that I know my baby loves. After all, you never know how long you might be stuck at the airport, or on the plane for that matter. In the end, I barely used it. But it did, at one point, distract her just enough to keep her from having a meltdown. I also brought along a couple of her favorite, small, lift-the-flap books and her favorite snuggle bear of course.

All in all, we had a great trip and my baby did very well on the plane. She had some cranky moments, and the guy sitting next to me on the last flight did seem a bit apprehensive when he first sat down, commenting that “they’re usually behind me” and immediately whipped out his earplugs – but as another mom put it – that’s what they’re made for! So don’t feel bad if your baby fusses, chances are it will only be for a short period of time, especially if you follow these tips! Most of all enjoy the opportunity to be close with your baby – snuggle, nurse, read, play, love!

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