Freedom From Within

Snowed In Space Clearing

Alison Jolicoeur Health Tips

During the last snowstorm, I found myself faced with the piles of paper on my desk. Finally, there was nowhere to escape to, no way to distract myself by busily moving here and there, nowhere else to go. Everything was still, and the need to clear my space arose fiercely from within. It was necessary so that I may too, be still. My mind would not rest until I dealt with the clutter.

Winter is naturally a time to slow down and reflect on what worked for you in the past year and prepare for planting seeds of intention in the spring. In the process of reflection and evaluation, it is very helpful to clear through clutter and make space for growth, coming anew. When your space is piled high with the weight of the past, it makes it difficult to think clearly. There may be little space in your mind as well, for new ideas, goals, and dreams. You may feel stressed and overwhelmed by confronting what may seem like a daunting task. This brings to mind a quote by Yogi Bhajan, “When the time is on you, start, and the pressure will be off.” Not only when you feel pressured by perceived time constraints, but also by the build up of the past in the form of physical clutter, the wisdom holds true – start, and the pressure will be off.

You may ask yourself, “Where do I start?” Before you begin, write a list of the areas that need the most attention. Perhaps it’s your desk or a closet. Then choose one area and commit to it. As you begin the process, Louise Hay suggests saying to yourself “I am cleaning out the closets of my mind.” You could also replace the word closets with clutter depending on the task at hand. Affirm to yourself, “I am ready to let go of the past and make room for the new”.

Then give yourself credit for every bit that you’ve accomplished. Nothing is too small. Checking things off your list actually releases positive endorphins in your brain, so give yourself a gold star! After a job well done, enjoy a pleasurable activity – take a bubble bath, read a book, pour a glass of wine, relax, unwind and enjoy the stillness.

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