Freedom From Within

Woman Faces 93 Days In Jail For Organic Vegetable Garden

Alison Jolicoeur Gardening, Sustainability

juliebass_garden.Unbelievable, to think in this day and age that anyone would be offended by an organic vegetable garden, but apparently a woman from Oak Park Michigan now faces up to 93 days in jail for the vegetable garden she planted in her front yard.

Due to rising food prices, Julie Bass decided to plant an organic vegetable garden and thought it would be “cool” to plant it in the front yard so that neighbors could see and neighborhood children could help out.

According to Oak Park’s city planner Kevin Rulkowski, “that’s not what we want to see in a front yard,” and city code states that front yard’s must have “suitable, live plant material.” Rulkowski goes on to explain that the definition of suitable is “common,” so because her yard does not have useless, chemicallly fertilized grass like most people, she was given a warning, then a ticket and has now been charged with a misdemeanor because she has refused to comply.

Julie Bass could have taken the easy road, and follow orders, but “then there’s no telling what they’re going to harass the next person about,” she said.

I think it’s time we all make use of whatever arable space we have, whether it’s in the front, or back yard, and join the home garden revolution! What if code enforcement instead gave out warnings to those who used toxic chemical fertilizers instead of harassing organic vegetable gardeners!

Let me know what you think! Do any of you grow vegetables in your front yard? If you have a vegetable garden, I’d love to see it! Send me a picture and I’ll create a home garden gallery!

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